A popular Halloween tale and an enduring ghost story, legendary author Washington Irving’s book The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is a testament to the undying legacy of American literary fiction. Recounting the story of the ill-fated Ichabod Crane and his attempts to win the hand of the wealthy daughter Katrina Van Tassel, Ichabod soon learns first-hand that the countless tales of ghosts haunting the quiet town might not be so fictional after all...
Perfect for anyone who wants to discover – or rediscover – the world of timeless early American fiction for themselves, this brilliant rendition makes the ideal way for contemporary readers to experience this 200-year old story in a new medium. With a high-quality narration designed to stir your imagination and evoke the haunting imagery which Irving first imagined all those years ago, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is both a thrilling tale and a memorable addition to the literary classics.