The Path of Life

Christian Life Series 11권 · Alton Danks · AI 내레이션: Matt(Google 제공)
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오디오북 정보

God tells us there are two humanities. One humanity will end in death and eternal destruction. The other humanity will end in eternal life. To enter into life, we must become a member of the humanity of eternal life.

In 1 Corinthians 15:22, Paul wrote,

In Adam, all die, so also in Christ, all will be made alive. (1 Corinthians 15:22).

This verse is Paul's way of saying that the members of the humanity born of Adam will die, and the members of the humanity born of Christ will be made alive.

Jesus also spoke of two humanities. When he explained the parable of the wheat and the weeds, he said,

The good seed represents the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one. (Matthew 13:38).

Jesus said that there is a humanity born of Satan's seed and another humanity born of God's seed. Like the humanity born of Adam, the humanity born of Satan's seed will die. The humanity born of God's seed will live.

"In Adam" and "in Christ" are cultural allusions. The Bible uses allusions like these. When we do not recognize the allusions and see what they refer to, we fail to understand what the Bible says. What the Bible says we must do to enter life includes allusions. We risk not entering life if we don't see and understand them.

We should not rely on our own understanding to understand these things. We should put on God's armor and ask God to send the Spirit of Truth to guide us into the truth of them.

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저자 정보

I am the author of the web site I am also the author of the books:

The Guiding Into Truth Work of the Holy Spirit

Effective Prayer

Ceased from sin: Living to do God's will

Spiritual Warfare: Sowing

The Truth About Eternal Life

Go the Way You Should Go

Prepare for the End of the Age

Spiritual Growth

The Disciples We Should Make and How We Should Make Them

The Good News

The Path of Life

The Scroll and Horsemen of the Book of Revelation

Spirit-guided Exegesis

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