Tranquility: A Village of Hope

· The Awakening Tetralogy - A Series of Four Spiritual Books புத்தகம் 3 · Ken Luball · விவரிப்பாளர்: Fritz Angelo
2 கருத்துகள்
ஆடியோ புத்தகம்
3 ம 44 நி
ரேட்டிங்குகளும் கருத்துகளும் சரிபார்க்கப்படுவதில்லை மேலும் அறிக
22 நி மாதிரி வேண்டுமா? எந்த நேரத்திலும் ஆஃப்லைனிலும் கேட்கலாம். 

இந்த ஆடியோ புத்தகத்தைப் பற்றி

The Awakening Tetralogy - Book 3

Tranquility: A Village of Hope

Struggle or Enlightenment. Which truth will we teach our children?

Tranquility: A Spiritual Utopian village located in the isolated yet breathtaking Canadian Rocky Mountains, where settlers arrive in search of a slice of peace in an often hostile and violent world. A place where a young girl named Monique was born and raised by the residents of Tranquility and their neighboring First Nations native village. Having been surrounded by these enlightened individuals, Monique learns countless lessons of love she shares with us throughout these pages.

Tranquility: A Village of Hope is book 3 in The Awakening Tetralogy and is an eye-opening story centered on Monique’s extraordinary life and unique upbringing. Along the way, we learn what is possible if hope is embraced instead of fear and love rather than hate. We are also made aware of the difference we could each make in the world if we accepted the true definition of ‘Self’-less love, given without expectation of receiving anything in return, as opposed to living in a ‘Self’-ish world, as many do today and have throughout history, concerned only for ourselves.

மதிப்பீடுகளும் மதிப்புரைகளும்

2 கருத்துகள்

ஆசிரியர் குறிப்பு

For most of my life, I lived in Fear; this led me to live a superficial life, one devoid of risk or pain, which left me "alone" in a sea of people. It took me an entire lifetime to be able to "hear" my Spirit Guide, Bodhi, clearly and, with his help, author these books. Though I am not fully Enlightened, my Spirit Guide is. I knew, since I was a small child, the reason I was born was to Awaken, become Enlightened and Share this knowledge with others. My Journey Through Life, however, to reach these lofty goals, took many unexpected difficult turns. It was not until after I stopped following a formal religion, I finally was able to embrace Spirituality, and with this embrace, I truly Awoke and began my Journey to Enlightenment. Spirituality is the belief there is a piece of God (a Spirit or Soul) within all life, and, because of this, every life is Important, Equal, and Connected. Though some of these stories may be considered fiction, my Spirit Guide, Bodhi, is quite real. He can easily communicate with me, as I write down his thoughts in the four Spiritual books in this Spiritual Tetralogy, we have written together. I would like you to imagine, since Bodhi was both my and the protagonist's Spirit Guide in two of these books, the stories being told may not be fiction, but genuine. Since these stories were "told" to me by Bodhi, about his experiences being a Spirit Guide previously to the main protagonist in two of these books, and "helped" me write the other two books as well, I think the possibility everything he is saying, and the messages he is trying to convey, are genuine and these stories may be true. I do not know if our books will be read widely in my lifetime, though it is my hope, one day, they may help others Awaken and find Enlightenment as well. "We are all on a Spiritual Journey of Love & Peace; Together may we Spread "Light" Throughout the World".

இந்த ஆடியோ புத்தகத்தை மதிப்பிடுக

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தொடரை வரிசைப்படுத்துதல்

மேலும் Ken Luball எழுதியவை

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