This short and simple guide is a must-have to get the most out of your backpacking journey!
Backpackers are explorers, and sometimes, they are like little heroes who aren’t afraid to step out of their comfort zone to experience some new food, culture, language, or landscape. But with travelling, challenges are bound to be on your path. In order to be prepared and prevent the most unwanted difficulties on your trip, a guide has been put together to aid you.
In this guide, you will find handy tips that relate to:
- Avoiding scams, pickpocketing, and being taken advantage of
- Lowering your costs by 90 percent by knowing where to go or what to buy
- What to add to your checklist and your backpack before you go
- How to make sure you are physically prepared and taken care of
- Keeping your possessions safe
- Tips on finding the best deals on flights and airfares
- Safety tips and surprisingly handy knick-knacks you can use to store your items
- Walking and hiking tips to keep your feet healthy and avoid blisters or injuries
- Little things you can do to give back to the community and the people you purchase items from
Don’t wait. Get your copy now!