New York City Murders is a stand-alone sequel to W.D. Frolick's debut novel, The Cabin: A Murder Mystery, winner of a Liberty Titan Four Star Book Award.
NYPD Homicide Detective Buck Woods and his rookie partner Detective Kristie Karlsson are assigned a variety of cases starting with the murder of a famous actor. The detectives are sent halfway. around the world on a dangerous covert mission code-named EXTRACTION... They must find and bring to justice a devious escaped NYPD Narcotics Lieutenant charged with taking bribes and the murder of a detective under his command. The country harboring the fugitive does not have an extradition treaty with the United States. If caught, the detectives are on their own. The NYPD will deny code name EXTRADITION ever existed. ..
Filled with twists, turns, mystery and intrigue, New York City Murders will keep you on the edge of your seat until the unexpected climatic ending.