Following his retirement from academic life, renowned naturalist and writer Whit Gibbons and his family purchased a tract of abandoned farmland where the South Carolina piedmont meets the coastal plain. Described as backcountry scrubland, it was originally envisioned as a family retreat, but soon the property became Gibbons's outdoor learning laboratory where he was often aided by his four grandchildren, along with a host of enthusiastic visitors. Inspired by nature's power to excite, educate, and provide a sense of place in the world, Gibbons invites listeners to learn about their surrounding environments. Peppered throughout with colorful personal anecdotes and told with Gibbons's affable style and wit, Salleyland: Wildlife Adventures in Swamps, Sandhills, and Forests is more than a personal memoir or a record of place. Rather, it is an exercise in learning about a patch of nature, thereby reminding us to open our eyes to the complexity and wonder of the natural world. With Gibbons's guidance and encouragement, listeners will learn to embrace their inner scientists, equipped with the knowledge and encouragement to venture beyond their own front doors, ready to discover the secrets of their habitat, regardless of where they live.