Wild Game: Wilding Pack Wolves 1

ยท Wilding Pack Wolves แƒฌแƒ˜แƒ’แƒœแƒ˜ 1 ยท Lantern Audio ยท แƒ›แƒ—แƒฎแƒ แƒแƒ‘แƒ”แƒšแƒ˜: Holly Chandler แƒ“แƒ Shannon Gunn
8 แƒ›แƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒฎแƒ˜แƒšแƒ•แƒ
5 แƒกแƒ—, 36 แƒฌแƒ—
แƒ แƒ”แƒ˜แƒขแƒ˜แƒœแƒ’แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒ“แƒ แƒ›แƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒฎแƒ˜แƒšแƒ•แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒ“แƒแƒฃแƒ“แƒแƒกแƒขแƒฃแƒ แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ”แƒšแƒ˜แƒ ย แƒจแƒ”แƒ˜แƒขแƒงแƒ•แƒ”แƒ— แƒ›แƒ”แƒขแƒ˜
แƒ’แƒกแƒฃแƒ แƒ— 33 แƒฌแƒ—-แƒ˜แƒแƒœแƒ˜ แƒœแƒ˜แƒ›แƒฃแƒจแƒ˜? แƒ›แƒแƒฃแƒกแƒ›แƒ˜แƒœแƒ”แƒ— แƒ›แƒแƒก แƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒกแƒ›แƒ˜แƒ”แƒ  แƒ“แƒ แƒแƒก, แƒฎแƒแƒ–แƒ’แƒแƒ แƒ”แƒจแƒ” แƒ แƒ”แƒŸแƒ˜แƒ›แƒจแƒ˜แƒช แƒ™แƒ˜.ย 

แƒแƒ› แƒแƒฃแƒ“แƒ˜แƒแƒฌแƒ˜แƒ’แƒœแƒ˜แƒก แƒจแƒ”แƒกแƒแƒฎแƒ”แƒ‘

She's a sexy gamer in danger. He's a bodyguard with a secret. Ex-Army Texas boy Owen Harding fears only one thing; his inner beast. A year in Agent Smith's experimental cages has changed his wolf into something monstrous. But a hate group is hunting the Wilding pack, so Owen's serving again, this time as bodyguard. If only the girl he's protecting wasn't so damn sexy and completely off limits. Nova Wilding's father was assassinated, leaving her a gaming company to run, a new game to release, and a pack full of wolves who want her for a mate, including a beta who's determined to have Nova and her company. When a bomb goes off in her car, Nova finds herself in her sexy bodyguard's arms, but he's absolutely the wrong man at the wrong time. While Nova fights to keep her gaming company afloat, and Owen fights to keep her alive, the hate group circles closer and closer, until they both find that falling in love might be the most dangerous game of all.

แƒจแƒ”แƒคแƒแƒกแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒ“แƒ แƒ›แƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒฎแƒ˜แƒšแƒ•แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜

8 แƒ›แƒ˜แƒ›แƒแƒฎแƒ˜แƒšแƒ•แƒ

แƒแƒ•แƒขแƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒก แƒจแƒ”แƒกแƒแƒฎแƒ”แƒ‘

ALISA WOODS is a bestselling author of sexy paranormal romances about complicated men and the strong women who love them. Her stories teem with shifters, witches, dragons, and angels'ร„รฎmagick thrills her stories on every page, but romance is the heart that drives them. Alisa firmly believes that love triumphs over all.

แƒแƒ› แƒแƒฃแƒ“แƒ˜แƒแƒฌแƒ˜แƒ’แƒœแƒ˜แƒก แƒจแƒ”แƒคแƒแƒกแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ

แƒ’แƒ•แƒ˜แƒ—แƒฎแƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒ— แƒ—แƒฅแƒ•แƒ”แƒœแƒ˜ แƒแƒ–แƒ แƒ˜.

แƒ˜แƒœแƒคแƒแƒ แƒ›แƒแƒชแƒ˜แƒ แƒ›แƒแƒกแƒ›แƒ”แƒœแƒ˜แƒก แƒจแƒ”แƒกแƒแƒฎแƒ”แƒ‘

แƒกแƒ›แƒแƒ แƒขแƒคแƒแƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒ“แƒ แƒขแƒแƒ‘แƒšแƒ”แƒขแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜
แƒ“แƒแƒแƒ˜แƒœแƒกแƒขแƒแƒšแƒ˜แƒ แƒ”แƒ— Google Play Books แƒแƒžแƒ˜ Android แƒ“แƒ iPad/iPhone แƒ›แƒแƒฌแƒงแƒแƒ‘แƒ˜แƒšแƒแƒ‘แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒกแƒ—แƒ•แƒ˜แƒก. แƒ˜แƒก แƒแƒ•แƒขแƒแƒ›แƒแƒขแƒฃแƒ แƒแƒ“ แƒ’แƒแƒœแƒแƒฎแƒแƒ แƒชแƒ˜แƒ”แƒšแƒ”แƒ‘แƒก แƒกแƒ˜แƒœแƒฅแƒ แƒแƒœแƒ˜แƒ–แƒแƒชแƒ˜แƒแƒก แƒ—แƒฅแƒ•แƒ”แƒœแƒก แƒแƒœแƒ’แƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒจแƒ—แƒแƒœ แƒ“แƒ แƒกแƒแƒจแƒฃแƒแƒšแƒ”แƒ‘แƒแƒก แƒ›แƒแƒ’แƒชแƒ”แƒ›แƒ—, แƒฌแƒแƒ˜แƒ™แƒ˜แƒ—แƒฎแƒแƒ— แƒกแƒแƒกแƒฃแƒ แƒ•แƒ”แƒšแƒ˜ แƒ™แƒแƒœแƒขแƒ”แƒœแƒขแƒ˜ แƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒกแƒ›แƒ˜แƒ”แƒ  แƒแƒ“แƒ’แƒ˜แƒšแƒแƒก, แƒ แƒแƒ’แƒแƒ แƒช แƒแƒœแƒšแƒแƒ˜แƒœ, แƒ˜แƒกแƒ” แƒฎแƒแƒ–แƒ’แƒแƒ แƒ”แƒจแƒ” แƒ แƒ”แƒŸแƒ˜แƒ›แƒจแƒ˜.
แƒšแƒ”แƒžแƒขแƒแƒžแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒ“แƒ แƒ™แƒแƒ›แƒžแƒ˜แƒฃแƒขแƒ”แƒ แƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜
แƒจแƒ”แƒ’แƒ˜แƒซแƒšแƒ˜แƒแƒ— แƒฌแƒแƒ˜แƒ™แƒ˜แƒ—แƒฎแƒแƒ— Google Play-แƒ–แƒ” แƒจแƒ”แƒซแƒ”แƒœแƒ˜แƒšแƒ˜ แƒฌแƒ˜แƒ’แƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜ แƒ—แƒฅแƒ•แƒ”แƒœแƒ˜ แƒ™แƒแƒ›แƒžแƒ˜แƒฃแƒขแƒ”แƒ แƒ˜แƒก แƒ•แƒ”แƒ‘ แƒ‘แƒ แƒแƒฃแƒ–แƒ”แƒ แƒ˜แƒก แƒ’แƒแƒ›แƒแƒงแƒ”แƒœแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ˜แƒ—.

แƒกแƒ”แƒ แƒ˜แƒ˜แƒก แƒ’แƒแƒ’แƒ แƒซแƒ”แƒšแƒ”แƒ‘แƒ

แƒ›แƒกแƒ›แƒ”แƒœแƒ”แƒšแƒ”แƒ‘แƒก แƒแƒ’แƒ แƒ”แƒ—แƒ•แƒ” แƒ›แƒแƒ”แƒฌแƒแƒœแƒแƒ—

แƒ›แƒ”แƒขแƒ˜ แƒแƒ•แƒขแƒแƒ แƒ˜แƒกแƒ’แƒแƒœ Alisa Woods