A breathtaking thriller which weaves history and religion with action, adventure and apocalypse...
Luke Hayward is adrift. Blacklisted out of academia, he is in no position to refuse when a client asks for his expert help in recovering some lost Isaac Newton papers.
But a chance discovery in a dusty attic plunges Luke into a race to uncover the truth behind some seemingly random scribblings – a race which pits Luke against a fundamentalist madman with dangerously powerful friends.
Luke discovers connections between Oxford, London and the Old City of Jerusalem in a breathless chase to uncover a secret hidden in the eccentric ramblings of a mathematical genius; a secret that, in the wrong hands, could be used to spark the holy war to end all holy wars...
Will Adams worked as a shop salesman, painter & decorator, warehouse porter and microfiche technician before joining a Washington DC-based firm of business history consultants, for whom he wrote a number of corporate histories and biographies, taking time off between projects to travel to remote places in search of exotic settings for his stories. He later worked as a communications consultant for a London agency before resigning and selling his flat to give himself a shot at fulfilling his lifelong ambition of becoming a novelist.