Birister Sharma · AA bidezko narrazioa, Mike narratzailearen ahotsarekin (Google-koa)
7 min
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AA bidezko narrazioa
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Audio-liburu honi buruz

Are you content with yourself? If you are content with yourself, then you have learned the art of living your life. Your contentment is the biggest treasure of your life. If you are content with yourself, then you can live in every situation of your life. The vices like hatred, anger, fear, greed, jealousy, disloyalty and ego will never dare to attack you. You will free from all these vices.




Egileari buruz

Birister Sharma is a full time author. He is also an avid reader. He loves reading, writing, and motivation. He has penned down dozens of self-help motivational books and novels so far.

You may contact him @ [email protected]

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