After having a literal heart clearing experience, Zreyas decides it's time to bring Ayya, her mother, and Ayya's best friend's scientific family up to date on what was really happening to the multiverse. In challenge forms, Rhom, Rtu, and Zreyas set up the meeting.
The plan seems to go well... until it fragments.
They find the Dark One has them in a trap they never dreamed could happen. The Charred swarm in and surround them and they neutralize the team's communication channels. They are desperate and completely isolated in the Dark One's trap. Everyone that can help them are on the ship many universes away.
Tap and Zreyas' crew have their own challenges at Gate 40 with an ancient species that migrated in.
They are desperately working for their Deliverance, but if they die in challenge form on Earth, it's all over for the multiverse...
This series includes aspects of science fiction, fantasy, mystery, thriller, metaphysical visionary, and LitRPG.