Josh & Rachel Miller
Elite kicks off the Eagle Elite series. Van Dyken has a reading order on her website. This was kind of back and forth for me and honestly, it wasn’t until I read more of the series that I “got it” better ~ yet at the same time was even more disappointed in it. Unlike every other book in the series this is only from Trace’s POV, which I see the reason why, but it still sort of sucked. There’s a lot of whiplash going on as well as “Why are you putting up with him?”. I own the whole series in ebook and with the exception of Elite & Elect all of the audiobooks (the audio of the first two is subpar and they’re much better read). I’ve read/listened to the whole series multiple times, but now I skip Elite in favor of starting with Enforce (it’s Elite but from the guys’ POV). Read this ONCE, because you have to for the foundation ~ but then move on because the rest of the series is soooo much better. I think that Elite and Elect have a distinct YA/NA feel that drops off in the rest of the series. Perhaps that is why, after experiencing the rest of it, these two feel more disappointing. Oh, and if you’re familiar you will definitely get a “Twilight” feel from this book that sort of continues into Elect. Praise Baby Jesus after that each book focuses on a new set of couples so the Trace/Nixon/Chase drama doesn’t drag out for too long. Oh and #TeamChase Sarah Franco’s narration was OK. I’m not sure if her voice made Trace sound even worse/whinier or if that was the direction she was given. I’ve only listened once and wouldn’t listen again.