I was influenced by religion when very young. A reflective discovery of the goodness of God, in his interposition when in very imminent dangers, and of my ingratitude (I exceeded my companions in youthful follies, but could never bear swearing), first led me to cry for mercy. My convictions were exceedingly strong; so that I would in the space of two hours be three or four times at prayer, drowned in penitential tears. I have always found, that my penitential joy was in proportion to my contrition for sin. For a long space of time, I was not a day (if I remember right) without assurance of a saving interest in Christ; and, at times, my feelings and views were more like an heavenly, than an earthly inhabitant. On such occasions, I had inexpressible discoveries of the infinitude and holiness of God, and of my own vileness. I wondered, admired, adored, lamented, and rejoiced at one and the same time...FROM THE BOOK.