Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The Inner Child is the part of us that was wounded and undeveloped, and it is essential to have a positive understanding of it. We must recognize and value the part of us that was not valued as children in order to become whole. #2 The Inner Child has a full range of intense emotions, and it functions in the right-brain modes of being, feeling, and experiencing, as opposed to the Adult who functions in the left-brain modes of doing, thinking, and acting, but who also has a full range of feelings. #3 The Inner Child is left feeling alone and unloved, and it becomes addicted to shoulds and rules as a way to control rejection. It develops a need to be perfect and a belief that it is possible to be perfect. #4 The abandoned Inner Child, feeling desperately empty and alone, turns to various addictions to fill itself up. It becomes addicted to substances or activities to escape its pain of aloneness.