Money management is one of the most important factors that determine a successful marriage. Unfortunately, the application of the right money management or planning is often ignored by most couples. The importance of money management is often realized when it is already too late and the damage to finances has already been done. According to statistics, almost 22 percent of divorces occur as a result of certain disagreements about finances or money. It is of essence that you give priority to money management as much as you give priority to building a happy family.
Since money management has become a big deal in society, this book is focused on the different ways couples can manage their money based on intent agreement and flexibility for spending. The principles of money management should be explicitly applied in order to avoid the feeling of deprivation, resentment, or future disappointment. Considering that two people may have different ideologies about managing finances, the money management principles are flexible in helping couples to adapt to new situations, regardless of their financial background.
Things you are going to learn:
• How to save money with your spouse
• The minimalist principles for couples
• How to encourage/discourage spending
• The best ways and places to invest for your future
• Powerful tips for achieving satisfaction while living the minimalist lifestyle
• Effectiveness of understanding the needs vs. wants principles
And much more!
Keywords: non-violent communication essentials, communication in marriage, communication principles for a lifetime, communication miracles for couples, excellence in business communication product, business communication style guide, communication skills training workbook practices
Claire Robin is your ultimate relationship and life expert who specializes in counseling and relationship therapy. She has published several books on life and relationship which have created a visible impact on readers all over the world. Claire is currently on a world tour, speaking at events and creating awareness about the essence of life--developing personal bliss.