In clear language, The Innovation Mandate shows leaders a step-by-step process to continually generate great ideas, implement them, and maximize their value to benefit both customers and investors.
In today’s ultracompetitive marketplace, the difference between success and failure is innovation. From small entrepreneurial startups to global Fortune 500 companies, innovation--the steady flow of new ideas--drives sustained success. It allows a company to introduce new products and services, effectively connect with customers, sharpen the supply chain, efficiently manage finances, and hire and retain the best people. Without a steady stream of new ideas, even the best company will slow down, atrophy, lose market share, hemorrhage customers, and eventually close or be sold.
The Innovation Mandate offers a clear and straightforward pathway to profitable innovation. It demystifies the concept, making it easy to understand, implement, and measure. The audiobook centers around three simple concepts: innovation generates profits; innovation, in the form of new, profitable ideas, can come from anywhere; and identifying, harnessing, evaluating, and implementing these new ideas cannot be left to chance. Additionally, the audiobook offers a five-point checklist to ensure your company is innovation ready.
Charts, tables, and a self-assessment survey are available in the audiobook companion PDF download.
Nick Webb is one of the top Customer Experience and Customer Service experts in the world. He has been awarded the "Global Gurus Top 30" designation for Customer Service, for seven years in a row. Nick is the CEO of, a Customer Experience Training and Advisory Firm that works with some of the top brands to help them build world-class customer experiences. As a technologist, he has been awarded over 40 US patents for consumer and technology products. He has served as an Adjunct Professor for a Health Science University where he also led the Center for Innovation. Nick is the author of multiple number one best-selling books, in the area of Business Innovation, Customer Experience and Leadership. Nick is also one of the top Keynote Speakers in the area Business Growth, Innovation, Future Trends and Customer Experience. Contact the Author Nick is always excited to learn about how his readers have applied his methods to drive world-class customer experience in their own organization. Nick can be contacted through his consulting and training firm at or for speaking engagements contact him at