smart boy
Credit Secrets: Proven Tactics To Boost Your Credit Score The Easy Way a nice and fantastic book.In this book it is explained that a brilliant strategy, blockbuster product, or breakthrough technology can put you on the competitive map, but only solid execution can keep you there. You have to be able to deliver on your intent. Unfortunately, the majority of companies aren’t very good at it, by their own admission. Over the past five years, we have invited many thousands of employees about 25% of whom came from executive ranks to complete an online assessment of their organizations’ capabilities, a process that’s generated a database of 125,000 profiles representing more than 1,000 companies, government agencies, and not-for-profits in over 50 countries. Employees at three out of every five companies rated their organization weak at execution—that is, when asked if they agreed with the statement Important strategic and operational decisions are quickly translated into action,the majority answered no. Execution is the result of thousands of decisions made every day by employees acting according to the information they have and their own self-interest. In our work helping more than 250 companies learn to execute more effectively, we’ve identified four fundamental building blocks executives can use to influence those actions—clarifying decision rights, designing information flows, aligning motivators, and making changes to structure. For simplicity’s sake we refer to them as decision rights, information, motivators, and structure.
Swithin Johny
Very simple information just for beginners, students and new workers.his little info is so motivating that it actually makes sense and works! I've done this method before and now will go forward getting more assets and making money with credit cards. Wow... No more using credit for liabilities only for real assets!There was some useful information in this book especially the part about calculating the formula for interest. I did also like the idea of using credit to make money.I think the seminar would be well worth it after reading the material. I have reaped the benefits of reading the book once. I'll read it over and over, follow the exercises, and look forward to attending a seminar.Thanks to my friend on social media who let me had a glimpse on the content and my eyes instantly glued to the screen.Needless to say I bought the book and this is definitely the best book ever on the knowledge of Money and it's totally mind blowing! Now I am kind, loving, generous and rich ! I’ve seen a bunch of different books on helping credit scores. This one was priced right for me so decided to get it. Will put it into practice. Everything seems easy enough.
Phạm Vũ
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