A health-conscious tenant must battle his apartment’s demonic refrigerator. The shadow of death clings to a woman, as she strives to find a way to escape her fate. And a mysterious runaway wreaks havoc at a secluded motel, when the guests discover the deadly secret that follows in her wake...
A new night of terror begins with Scare Street’s latest bone-chilling collection. This pulse-pounding volume contains thirteen new supernatural tales of terror. And each story brings you deeper into the dark realm of nightmares.
This volume features the following stories:
1. Leftovers by Warren Benedetto
2. The Refrigerator by Peter Cronsberry
3. Shadow by Jason E. Maddux
4. Painless by Dominick Cancilla
5. Issue 32 by Daniel Comnenus
6. My Daughter's Ghosts by Bradley Walker
7. Waters Take Me by Jim Horlock
8. Walled In by Carl Hughes
9. Collection Day by John Wayne Comunale
10. Sleep Paralysis by Shannon Brady
11. The Road to Hell by Brian Sperl
12. Mother Love by Jon McGoran
13. Beyond the Wall by Ron Ripley
Step into the eerie world of Scare Street, where supernatural horror and suspense await you at every turn. Our collection of ghost stories, urban legends, and haunted house stories offer the perfect mix of scary and spooky tales. Whether it's a creepy campfire classic, short horror stories, or unsettling creepypasta, our tales are crafted to bring thrills and chills that will keep you hooked.