Childhood anxiety is becoming a much more common issue these days, but parents can be taught the right skills to help children overcome anxiety, lessen worrying and reduce avoidance of challenging tasks.
In The Anxiety Coach, Michael Hawton expertly shows parents how to use simple, effective techniques to guide their children and tweens to develop perspective and create the emotional reserves and balance they’ll need throughout life.
User-friendly features in this book include: case studies of a family who has successfully tackled their children’s anxious behaviour worksheets outlining the methodical steps parents should take advice on how to manage a child’s digital world, and tips to help worried parents deal with their own anxious thoughts and feelings.
As a parent, you’re the one who’s in your child’s life for the long run. So, it’s vital that you know what normal childhood anxieties are, what you should be concerned with, and what to do when anxious moments arise.