Myths of the Norsemen From the Eddas and Sagas by Hélène Adeline Guerber was first published in 1909. It was one of several books the author wrote on ancient mythology. This book includes fragments of poetry and stories from the epic legends and sagas from Icelandic literature. Chapters include; Odin; Frigga; Thor; Tyr; Bragi; Idun; Niörd; Frey; Freya; Uller; Forseti; Heimdall; Hermod; Vidar; Vali; The Norns; The Valkyrs; Hel; Ægir; Balder; Loki; The Giants; The Dwarfs; The Elves; The Sigurd Saga; The Frithiof Saga; and, The Twilight of the Gods. Full subject list.