arvind krishnamoorthy
I was looking for a fairly simple and accessible book to use in a class that I teach (volunteer) at a local prison. This small book fits the need. Juntilla's book will win no awards for its literary genius or its philosophical depth. Much of it can seem repetitive and simplistic. However, that is exactly what this kind of book needs, a multi-faceted approach that builds on different variations and perspectives aiming at a very difficult goal - defining a life's passion, vision, mission. Juntilla's use of questions to engage the reader/participant at every step seeks to sharpen the focus and cull the valuable from the examination of one's life experience and highest aspiration. I will be utilizing the book with inmates who have decided to do something different with their lives, whose sentences may mean only a few months until release to those with life sentences. To get their lives on a positive, productive path, they need to anchor themselves in a vision for what their lives can become, setting aside and moving away from whatever their lives had been. For those who may be spending the rest of their lives inside prison (or for a decade or more), they pose a particular challenge. Without direction in their lives, they will mark time and do little, wasting the promise of their future, limited as it is by incarceration. The book does a great job of developing the pieces that need to come together to attain the vision, to identify the passion, exploring positives and examining negatives. It has a constant goal of reaching beyond the treadmill of daily life, of marking time whether inside or outside prison, to something personally meaningful and fulfilling. I think this will be very helpful in my work with the men.
Ajay ajay
Everyone have a doubt certainly about their passion, goal & how life will be, and you too are facing such a doubt, this wonderful book is just for you. Passion is the one thing that make your hard work easy to reach to your goal that I really realized to read this book. I will always be a great thankful to the author of this book, publication house and the site who work hard for us to represent such a wonderful book before all of us.
Vaishnav P
Find Your Passion: The Ultimate Guide to Pursuing One's Passion, Learn Ways on How You Can Find Your Passion and Start Making Money Doing The Things You Love How nice would it be if you are able to earn money doing something you love and you're passionate about? That is certainly the dream for most of us. We often hear of the saying about doing something you love or choosing a job that you love so you never have to work a day in your life. It's lovely to hear but most people are stuck doing a job that they don't really care about because they need to put food on the table. They don't even have time to find the thing they are passionate about so they may be able to use it to earn a living. Nowadays, most people equate money to happiness so they stick it out to careers that they don't necessarily enjoy just to earn a living. There is no question on the importance of money but the one thing money can't buy is time. And you shouldn't waste time and your life away doing something that doesn't bring you joy. This audiobook will teach you effective ways on how you can find your passion and you will discover how you will be able to make a living using it. You will learn about the tools you can use as well as useful tips so you may be able to live your passion.