The Compound Effect is about how small actions, executed consistently, can lead to hugely successful results, both in business and in life. The book was written by Darren Hardy, a guy who knows more than a thing or two about the topic of success, seeing as though he’s spent the vast majority of his career at the helm of SUCCESS Magazine. As the publisher and founding editor of SUCCESS, Darren’s learned that the decisions we make on a daily basis have a direct impact on the direction and ultimate success (or lack thereof) that we experience in our lives. Enter: The Compound Effect, a book that gives you practical every day steps to create real change in your life. Darren wrote this book as a guide on how to take ownership of your own life through the small decisions you make on a daily basis.
Here’s what you’ll learn about in this summary:
- What is the compound effect and how can you use it to gain success in any and every area of your life?
- How the choices and habits, you may not even know you are making, can either inhibit or accelerate your future.
- How to keep your momentum going.
- Why it is important to monitor the influences in your life and how to go about doing so.