In this book you will learn a lot about what fibromyalgia is. You will also get to know better and in the point of view of a fibromyalgia sufferer, see how much pain they are suffering.
And worse—they are also suffering from credibility issues because there is no presenting part that shows pain. Unlike people who have lacerations or broken bones—when they complain of pain, people can see right away the cause. But, with fibromyalgia, there’s nothing there to clue you in on how and why it hurts; thus fibromyalgia sufferers endure more pain due to credibility problems.
Here is a preview of what you'll learn...
• What exactly fibromyalgia is and why the methods in this book will help
• Herbal remedies that have actually been proven to get results for fibro sufferers
• The importance of your diet (this is hardly talked about yet might be the most important thing)
• Why a very specific type of exercising might be the miracle you have been looking for
• Alternative therapies that are worth doing if you still have pain
• Much, much more!
In this book, you’ll learn about what exactly fibromyalgia does to the body and how a diet can help this!!
You’ll learn about the link between these two things and why they’re so important to a person. You’ll find out just what it can do for you and how you can benefit your life from this.
Finally, you’ll also get a couple of recipes that will help you stick to the fibromyalgia diet to help yourself, along with a little plan of action you can take to move forward with your life. You can prevent this affliction from overtaking your life with these simple recipes in this book. You’ll life will improve quickly!
Hi, my name is Henry Lange. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.