Genre: Young Adult Urban Fantasy.
Sixteen-year-old Amber's life, that was once completely normal, is dramatically changed when she is forced to move to a small Queensland town west of Brisbane. Suddenly dragons are no longer creatures of myth. Amber becomes caught up in their world of clans, survival of the fittest, ancient traditions, dangerous enemies and dragon warriors.
***This is book one of a five book series that is best read in order to avoid spoilers.***
Keywords: teen/young adult, magic, action, adventure, romance, strong female character, Queensland Australia, dragon shapshifters, survival of the fittest.
Avril Sabine is an Australian author who lives on acreage in South East Queensland. She writes mostly young adult and children's speculative fiction, but has been known to dabble in other genres. She has been writing since she was a young child and wanted to be an author the moment she realised someone wrote the books she loved to read.