इस पुस्तक खाना बनाते समय स्वाद पर जितना ध्यान दिया जाता है, उतना पोषक तत्त्वों पर नहीं दिया जाता हैं तथा खाना पकाने के सही तरीके का विस्तारपूर्वक वर्णन किया गया हैं। हमारी सेहत के लिये खाने में पोषक तत्त्वों का होना बहुत जरूरी हैं। इस पुस्तक को पढ़कर खाना पकाने के सही तरीकों जानकारी दी गई हैं।
Khana Pakane Ke Sahi Tarike by Shameem Khan: This book provides a guide to healthy cooking methods. It offers tips and tricks for preparing nutritious meals without compromising taste.
Khana Pakane Ke Sahi Tarike by Shameem Khan is a comprehensive guide to cooking for health and wellness. Written by a nutrition expert and former restaurant cook, the book covers a variety of topics related to healthy cooking, from meal planning to food safety to kitchen tips. It also includes a wide range of recipes, from simple and quick meals to batch cooking and slow cooking.
The book starts with a discussion of the principles of healthy cooking, such as choosing nutritious ingredients, using proper cooking techniques, and planning meals that are nutritionally balanced. It then goes into detail about kitchen tips, such as food storage, food safety, and how to reduce food waste.
Healthy cooking methods, cooking techniques, home cooking, healthy recipes, meal planning, nutritious cooking, kitchen tips, food safety, easy recipes, family meals, batch cooking, slow cooking, grilling tips, baking essentials, culinary skills, food waste reduction, meal prep ideas, cooking for health, clean eating, DIY cooking hacks.