One, None and a Hundred Thousand by Luigi Pirandello: Explore the complex layers of identity and perception in Luigi Pirandello's thought-provoking novel. The story follows Vitangelo, a man who embarks on a journey to discover the various personas others see in him, ultimately leading to a profound existential crisis.
Key Aspects of the Book One, None and a Hundred Thousand:
Identity Exploration: Pirandello delves deep into the concept of identity, shedding light on how it is constructed by society and our interactions with others.
Existential Themes: The novel grapples with existential questions, prompting readers to contemplate the nature of self and the search for meaning.
Psychological Complexity: Pirandello's narrative intricately explores the human psyche, unraveling the intricate web of thoughts and emotions within Vitangelo.
Luigi Pirandello was an Italian playwright and novelist, renowned for his contributions to modernist literature. Born in 1867, he delved into the realms of psychology and identity in his works, earning a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1934 for his profound storytelling and exploration of the human condition.