jolly dolly
It is vital to every living being and without it, the world would be in chaos. Incorporating discipline can really improve the quality of our lives and sustain our happiness. Self-discipline is also very crucial in achieving success as it helps you stay focused on reaching your goals and gives you the determination to overcome any obstacles that might come your way. The most successful people in life are disciplined and if you want to achieve high levels of success, you need to learn to incorporate discipline in your daily life.
lily luna
For People Who Don't know how to Raise Kids If you grew up getting beat by a belt and have found that the belt method isn't working on your preteen kid, read this. It will probably save your life, your marriage and your family. Best $12 I ever spent.
Jonny Lee
This books is wonderfull.For People Who Don't know how to Raise Kids If you grew up getting beat by a belt and have found that the belt method isn't working on your preteen kid, read this. It will probably save your life, your marriage and your family. Best $12 I ever spent.