During the Golden Era of Exploration, Captain Robert Scott and his competitor Roald Amundsen conquered the unconquerable: Antarctica. Their perilous race to the South Pole claimed Scott's life and became the stuff of legend as well as endless scrutiny. In this compelling biography of Captain Scott and his fatal journey, renowned modern-day explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes, holder of ten expeditionary records, has written what is sure to become the definitive book on this hotly debated subject. Infused with the intensity of fiction, and the author's hard-won, firsthand knowledge of what it takes to traverse the Antarctic continent, Race to the Pole is a prodigious achievement certain to become a classic in the literature of exploration.
Sir Ranulph Fiennes has been called the “World’s Greatest Living Explorer” by the Guinness Book of Records. He has traveled to the most dangerous and inaccessible places on earth. In the process he lost nearly half his fingers to frostbite, nearly died on several occasions, and raised millions for charity. He discovered the lost city of Ubar in Oman, was the first man to reach both poles by surface travel, and was also the first to cross the Antarctic continent unsupported. In 1993 Queen Elizabeth II awarded him the Order of the British Empire for “human endeavor and charitable services.” An elite soldier, athlete, mountaineer, and renowned explorer, he is also the author of more than a dozen books of fiction and nonfiction.
David Povall is a professional voice actor. He has also appeared on stage in such renowned successes as Grease and The Phantom of the Opera. He has more than forty other theater credits, including A Day in the Life of Joe Egg, White Lies, and Black Comedy. David has also appeared in numerous films.