Simple Healing

Latest release: May 26, 2022
Healing · Energy (Qigong, Reiki, Polarity)

About this audiobook series

Empathy is feeling someone else's emotions and being able to put oneself in their shoes. Empathy can be seen as a process of seeing the world from someone else's perspective and understanding their point of view. It also includes an emotional response where the person suffering empathy tries to provide help or other form of consolation. Many people lack this ability to understand others because they are not able to take the perspective of another person, often called "mind-blindness", but those who experience it fully find it difficult to think about anything else, even when they want nothing more than to turn away.

The ability to empathize with people is a skill that we are taught, and not one that some people have naturally, or that society is able to cultivate – it comes from within each of us. Empathy can create strong bonds between humans, but it can also bring about conflict and hate. Empathy is a type of emotional awareness that is part of the understanding process. Empathy can be defined as "the capacity to recognize, understand, and share another person's feelings without being consciously aware of it."

This audiobook covers

· What Is Empathy?

· Types of Empaths

· The Main Empath Traits

· Levels of Empathy

· Struggles That Empaths Face

· Self-Care for Empathic People

And much more

To empathize with another is not only a sign of intelligence but also a sign of maturity. An empath does not have to be aware of the fact that he or she is capable of this kind of understanding, but when they do experience it, they are astonished that people can have such intricate emotions and feelings.