The Panorama of Science and Art: Embracing the Sciences of Aerostation, Agriculture and Gardening, Architecture, Astronomy, Chemistry, Electricity, Galvanism, Hydrostatics and Hydraulics, Magnetism, Mechanics, Optics, and Pneumatics; the Arts of Building, Brewing, Bleaching, Clockwork, Distillation, Dyeing, Drawing, Engraving, Gilding and Silvering, Ink-making, Japanning, Lacquering, Millwork, Moulding and Casting in Plaster, Painting, Staining Glass, Staining Wood, and Varnishing ; the Methods of Working in Wood and Metal, Applicable in Annealing, Boring and Drilling, Filing, Grinding, Tempering Steel, Making Screws, Soldering, Common and Elliptic Turning, &c. and a Miscellaneous Selection of Interesting and Useful Processes and Experiments ; with 49 Engr. ; in 2 Vol, Volume 1