大跃进: 《复兴记》主题节选本之四

· Mao Min
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本书是《复兴记》这部著作的一本专题节选本。《复兴记》这部著作 记录中国在近代的复兴史。本节选本记叙 大跃进的前前后后,包括大跃进之前的冒进、反冒进、反反冒进(毛泽东的冒进,周恩来的反冒进,毛泽东的反反冒进)、大跃进的情况(农业大跃进,大炼钢铁,三面红旗,大跃进一年后的情况)、1959年的庐山会议(会议前期,彭德怀的一封信,批判彭德怀,庐山会议后期,庐山会议之后的军委扩大会议,全国反右倾)、大饥荒(饿死人了,举一个例:河南省信阳专区,饿死了多少人?刘少奇调整政策)、七千人大会(刘少奇的报告,林彪的发言,毛泽东等人的自我批评,刘少奇进一步调整经济,关于包产到户的争论)。在附录中,记录了中共官方对大跃进的评价。

This is Selected topic 4 of the book entitled "The Revival of China". The full book is about the revival of China in the 20th century and the first decade of the 21st century. This topic is about what happened before, during and after the great leap forward. It covers the premature advance, the anti premature advance and the anti anti premature advance before the great leap forward; the process of the great leap forward and the great famine caused by it, and downing with PENG De-huai by MAO Ze-dong in the Lushan meeting; and, after the great leap forward and famine, the meeting of seven thousands officials, policy adjustment by LIU Shao-qi to recover the economy, and the differences between MAO and LIU. The book is written in Chinese.

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