[General Account of Bacteriophage]
[Bacterial Structure, Nutrition, Reproduction and Economic Importance]
[General Account of Cynobacteria and Actinomycetes]
[Application of Microbiology]
[Some Important Plant Diseases]
[General Characteristics, Classification and Economic Importance of Algae]
[Chlorophyceae : Green Algae]
[Charophyceae : Chara]
[Xanthophyceae : Green-Yellow Algae]
[Pheophyceae : Brown Algae]
[Rhodophyceae : Red Algae]
[General Characters, Classification and Economic Importance of Fungi]
[Oomycetes and Zygomycetes]
[Ascomycetes : Yeast and Peziza]
[Basidiomycetes : Puccinia]
[Deuteromycetes : Alternaria]
[General Account of Lichens]
[General Characters and Classification of Bryophyta]
[Hepaticopsida : Riccia and Marchantia]
[Anthocerotopsida : Anthocerotales : Anthoceros]
[Bryopsida : Polytrichales : Polytrichum]
[Important Characters and Classification of Pteridophyta]
[Stelar Organization in Pteridophyta]
[Psilophytopsida : Psilophytales : Rhynia]
[Lycopsida : Lycopodiales : Lycopodium]
[Lycopsida : Selaginelleles : Selaginella]
[Sphenopsida : Equisetales : Equisetum]
[Pteridopsida : Marseliales : Marsilea]
[General Characters and Classification of Gymnosperms]
[Heterospory and Origin of Seed Habit ]
[Evolution and Diversity of Gymnosperm Plants]
(Fossil Gymnosperms : Lyginopteris and Williamsonia]
[Morphology, Anatomy Reproduction and Life Cycle of Cycas]
[Morphology, Anatomy Reproduction and Life Cycle of Pinus]
[Morphology, Anatomy Reproduction and Life Cycle of Ephedra]
[Tissue System]
[The Shoot System]
[The Leaf System]