Astha Yadav D/O Mr. Narendra Kumar Yadav and Mrs. Sangeeta Yadav, is from Uttar Pradesh. Astha has participated in more than sixty books as a coauthor, including record holder books. Also, she is a vajra world records holder for her solo book ‘RAINBOW – the colors of love’. You can read it for free on play store/ google play and can grab your copies from amazon. She has compiled seven books till date. Her only dream is to make her parents proud and happy. Her hobbies include painting, sketching, learning new things, and reading novels and dramas. She is a firm believer of “live and let live.”
Heena Shaikh Mulla is from Pune, currently residing in Karnataka. She's from an ICSE background, graduated from Pune University (MSC Computer Science). Besides being a college topper. She likes drawing henna, teaching and fantasizes about Polar Bears. She's a quick learner and a charming personality who expresses her thoughts in the form of Poetry's and Shayari. She got her inspiration from her Mother (Mrs. Arifa Shaikh) who always motivated her to try new things and got her support from her husband (Mr. Mohammed Omer Mulla). She's also grateful to all her teachers, WIW team, friends and other family members for believing in her. She's also a Vajra Record Holder.