A Man Named Dave

· Penguin
359 avaliações
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Sobre este e-book

A Man Named Dave, which has sold over 1 million copies, is the gripping conclusion to Dave Pelzer’s inspirational and New York Times bestselling trilogy of memoirs that began with A Child Called "It" and The Lost Boy.

"All those years you tried your best to break me, and I'm still here. One day you'll see, I'm going to make something of myself." These words were Dave Pelzer's declaration of independence to his mother, and they represented the ultimate act of self-reliance. Dave's father never intervened as his mother abused him with shocking brutality, denying him food and clothing, torturing him in any way she could imagine. This was the woman who told her son she could kill him any time she wanted to—and nearly did. 

The more than two million readers of Pelzer's New York Times and international bestselling memoirs A Child Called "It" and The Lost Boy know that he lived to tell his courageous story. With stunning generosity of spirit, Dave Pelzer invites readers on his journey to discover how he turned shame into pride and rejection into acceptance.

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359 avaliações
Wesleywaislam Silva
28 de outubro de 2020
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Sobre o autor

Dave Pelzer is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of A Child Called “It"The Lost Boy, A Man Named Dave, Help Yourself, and The Privilege of Youth. He travels more than 250 days a year throughout the nation speaking to large groups of youth and adults on the topics of resilience and overcoming obstacles. He has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live, and The Montel Williams Show, among other national shows.

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