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Graham's Resolution continues with the 6th installment, The Wild West, and this time ↠↠↠arrows↞↞↞ fly.
Graham Morgan's brief respite is over when he realizes surviving a decade after a devastating pandemic continues. But now it's not his own life threatened; it's the next generation's existence he has to protect from an enemy that just won't quit.
With the aid of a peaceful society, the script flips, but will it be enough to save them all from a relentless enemy?
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"Enjoyed reading. Lots of action & adventure! Can't wait till the next book comes out."
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️"Read it in 2 days. Great read. Can't wait for the next episode. You will not regret buying this book."For fans of Lee Child and James Patterson, a medical thriller that hits too close to home by USA Today bestselling author A. R. Shaw.
USA Today bestselling author, A. R. Shaw, served in the United States Air Force Reserves as a Communications Radio Operator. She began publishing her works in the fall of 2013 with her debut novel, The China Pandemic. With over 15 titles to her name, she continues the journey from her home in the Pacific Northwest alongside her loyal tabby cats, Henry and Hazel and a house full of books.