A. Robert Lee, formerly of the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK, is professor of American Literature at Nihon University, Tokyo. He has held visiting appointments at Princeton, The University of Virginia, The University of Colorado and Berkeley. His recent books include Designs of Blackness: Mappings in the Literature and Culture of Afro-America (1998); Postindian Conversations, with Gerald Vizenor (1999); Multicultural American Literature: Comparative Black, Native, Latino/a and Asian American Fictions (2003), which won the 2004 American Book Award; Japan Textures: Sight and Word, with Mark Gresham (2007), and Gothic to Multicultural: Idioms of Imagining in American Literary Fiction (2008). He has also been responsible for a large number of essay-collections, among them Other British, Other Britain: Contemporary Multicultural Fiction (1995), The Beat Generation Writers (1996), the 4-volume Herman Melville: Critical Assessments (2001), China Fictions/English Language: Literary Essays in Diaspora, Memory, Story (2008) and Native American Writing, 4 Vols. (forthcoming 2009).