A Taste of Christmas Magic

· Tule Publishing
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This Christmas, he just might believe in a little magicâ€Ķ

Rustin Wildish furiously left Belmont North Carolina as a teen to make his reputation in the culinary world. Over twelve years later, he’s back in the town that where the founding family of Mayes once branded him a worthless bad boy. Intent to show them how wrong they were, he buys the local diner—considered an institution—from his former mentor and boss, Miss Millie Maye and transforms. Success will be his revenge as the Maye’s and other ‘upstanding families,’ are forced to eat their words and so much more. But then the youngest Maye daughter asks him for help, and he inexplicably says yes.

This Christmas Chloe Maye has finally bitten off far more than she can chew. She’s agreed to organize The Maye family’s annual fundraiser–a movable feast where historic downtown homes are open to the public and each serve one course of a lavish meal. Chloe can’t cook so armed with a historic handwritten cookbook she mysteriously finds in a mini library outside her Grandma Millie’s home, she approaches Rustin for help. She’s always crushed on him and is thrilled he’s back.

But when Rustin, who ignored her their entire childhood, takes a bite from the meal she cooks under his exacting supervision, the unthinkable happens. He falls head over heels in loveâ€Ķ


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