Aaron Fenster, PhD, is a founding director of the Imaging Research Laboratories at the Robarts Research Institute. He is also a professor in the Department of Medical Biophysics and Department of Medical Imaging and the founder and associate director of the Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Western Ontario. His research focuses on the development of 3-D ultrasound imaging with diagnostic, surgical, and therapeutic cancer applications.
James C. Lacefield, PhD, is an associate professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Department of Medical Biophysics, a faculty member of the Graduate Program in Biomedical Engineering, and a mentor in the CIHR Strategic Training Program in Cancer Research and Technology Transfer at the University of Western Ontario. He is also an associate scientist of the Imaging Research Laboratories at Robarts Research Institute. His research activities address physical acoustics and signal processing aspects of biomedical ultrasound imaging, with an emphasis on applications of ultrasound to cancer and cardiovascular research.