Ablaze for God

· Zondervan
3 Rezensionen
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Über dieses E-Book

What are the spiritual dynamics of leadership? How can you be more a person of God, aflame for God, anointed and empowered by God -- truly a Spirit-filled leader? Here are answers that you will read again and again.

Bewertungen und Rezensionen

3 Rezensionen


Dr. Wesley Duewel has given himself to the cause of missions for more than 70 years. Following ministry in India for nearly 25 years, he served as president of OMS International and is now President Emeritus. Dr. Duewel has a deep love for the Word of God. He has read the entire Bible through nearly 200 times. People around the world have appreciated his biblical insight with more than two million copies of his books in print in over 50 languages. Continuing his active life-long ministry at 96, he teaches a senior adult Sunday School class and enjoys sharing his testimony to God’s faithfulness. He carries a deep concern for the unevangelized millions and a constant emphasis upon prayer as the key to revival.

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