Today, analysis and processing of data is one of big focuses among researchers community and information society. Due to evolution and knowledge discovery of natural computing, related meta heuristic or bio-inspired algorithms have gained increasing popularity in the recent decade because of their significant potential to tackle computationally intractable optimization dilemma in medical, engineering, military, space and industry fields. The main reason behind the success rate of nature inspired algorithms is their capability to solve problems. The nature inspired optimization techniques provide adaptive computational tools for the complex optimization problems and diversified engineering applications.
Tentative Table of Contents/Topic Coverage:
- Neural Computation
- Evolutionary Computing Methods
- Neuroscience driven AI Inspired Algorithms
- Biological System based algorithms
- Hybrid and Intelligent Computing Algorithms
- Application of Natural Computing
- Review and State of art analysis of Optimization algorithms
- Molecular and Quantum computing applications
- Swarm Intelligence
- Population based algorithm and other optimizations
A. Khamparia, Lovely Professional Univ.; A. Khanna, M. Agrasen Inst. of Techn., India; N. Nhu, B. Nguyen, Duy Tan University, Vietnam.