A.B. Abdullah obtained his PhD from the Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. His research interests include precision metal forming, tool and die design, and product design and development. He has published more than 100 research papers in various international journals, and 6 books. He is actively involved as a reviewer for the International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (Springer, USA), the Journal of Material Processing Technology and Measurements (Elsevier), and the Journal of Testing and Evaluation (ASTM International). He is member of the Board of Engineers Malaysia.
S.M. Sapuan is a Professor (Grade “A ) of composite materials in the Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, at the Universiti Putra Malaysia. He is also Head of the Advanced Engineering Materials and Composites Research Centre (AEMC) at UPM. He attained his BEng in mechanical engineering from the University of Newcastle, in Australia and then went on to receive his MSc in engineering design and PhD in materials engineering, from De Montfort University in the UK. He is a Professional Engineer and a Fellow of many professional societies, including the Society of Automotive Engineers; the Academy of Science Malaysia; the International Society for Development and Sustainability; the World Academy of Sciences; the Plastic and Rubber Institute Malaysia (PRIM); the Malaysian Scientific Association and the Institute of Materials Malaysia. He is an Honorary Member and past Vice President of the Asian Polymer Association and Founding Chairman and Honorary Member of The Society of Sugar Palm Development and Industry, Malaysia. During the course of his career, he has produced over 2500 publications, including 989 journal papers, 68 books and 246 book chapters.