In the year 5021, planet earth is ravaged by the deadly rays of the sun and assaulted by flooding and hurricanes. Living in these dismal conditions, Robert Daly brings home to his family a book written back in the late 20th century, “The Ownerless Planet”. During his childhood, Erol, the hero of this book, sought protection from the Turkish Kabadayis, or knights, against the violence of the children in his community. His boundless hatred of these children induced him to become an invincible boxer. When his father was killed by adversaries hostile to nature, he resolved, as nature's advocate, to wage battle against them throughout his life. In Kangal, Erol falls madly in love with a girl from Anatolia and detaches the leeches of humanity from their victims. After losing his beloved friends he goes mad. Stepping into the boxing ring again helps him and he copes with a great deal of upheaval.