A very big welcome to the "Tropical Fish Keeping Journal Book Edition Four" for every tropical Fish Hobbyist and Dedicated Aquarist from around the World. Each edition covers a series of special features on the hobby, for a successful tropical fish keeping experience.
In this issue of the “Tropical Fish Keeping Journal” book edition four, we cover; insight to fish species and their compatibility with others, to feeding tropical fish including recipes to make your own tropical fish food, early days fish care and the 28 day cycle to establishing safe aquarium water conditions and lastly maintenance of aquariums for ensuring healthy thriving tropical fish.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Introduction, Aquarists Diary & News, Tropical Fish Keeping Social Networking, Tropical Fish Super Foods How Super Foods Benefit You, Your Discus, and Other Tropical Fish Species, Beef Heart and Liver – Suitable for both adult and young fish, Recipe Instructions, Feeding Tropical Fish Flake Fish Foods, Fish Health and Hygiene at Feeding Times, Flake Fish Food Feeding Times, How Much Flake Food Do Fish Eat, Live Fish Tropical Foods Tubifex, Water Daphnia, Bloodworms, Frozen Fish Foods, Beef Heart and Spinach High Protein Super Fish Food, Beef Heart Broccoli and Spinach Recipe, Beef Heart Broccoli and Spinach Junior Recipe, Beef Heart and Spinach Ruby Recipe, Pellet Freeze Dried Fish Foods, Aquarists Fish Care, Tropical Fish Species Aquatic Plant Species, Aquarium Maintenance and Care Guide, Fish Species Safety and Health Care, Fish Diseases and Cures Diseases Symptoms and Cures, Tropical Fish Disease Guide, Aquarists Products Guide, Aquarium Products, Energy Lighting Solutions for Your Aquarium, UV Sterilization, Reverse Osmosis, Deionization, Accessories, Cable Tidy, Biological Filters, Condensation Trays, Air Stones, Air Valves, Heater Thermostats, Air Pumps, Flake Foods, Powerheads, Books, Undergravel Filters, Aquarists Reference Tables and more....
Alastair Agutter is one of a select few world-wide to successfully breed Wild Discus (symphysodon) species King of the Aquarium in captivity and an authority on these tropical fish species and others, as an accomplished Best Selling Author of Specialist Books Internationally.
Alastair began keeping and breeding tropical fish as a hobbyist from the age of just 9 years back in 1967 (nearly 50 years ago) and has successfully bred many species. He was one of the very first Aquarists in the United Kingdom breeding cichlids from the Great Lakes (Malawi and Tanganyika) in the early and mid-nineteen-seventies.
His enthusiasm as a dedicated Aquarist continues today with a number of projects underway; including the development of new biological filtration systems (Polyatomic-ion Biological Reactors), to help improve the success survival rate for keeping thriving plants with tropical fish species. Other projects include breeding a number of endangered species including original strains of the symphysodon family and other smaller indigenous species native to South America mainly inhabiting the Great River Amazon.
Alastair also continues today designing and making his very own aquariums and equipment for his projects, and also endeavours to write more tropical fish hobbyist reference books as a freelance full-time author, in the interests of further serving the local and wider Community Internationally.