Alcoholism: The Hidden Significance

· Claregate Ltd
18 шүүмж
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Carl Jung once stated: “the craving for alcohol is the equivalent, on a low level, of the spiritual thirst of our being for wholeness, expressed in medieval language: the union with God.” It is quite possible that many alcoholics have sound personalities, but have taken to drink to relieve the severe external stresses of life. The author with his medical training and his enduring work in the field of alternative medicine examines the effects of alcoholism on the subtle bodies that form the human aura. Dr. Baker also presents some of the remedies and therapies for alcoholism that allow the healing process back to wholeness to begin.

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18 шүүмж

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Dr Douglas Mackley Baker BA MRCP LCRP was born in London, England in 1922 and raised in South Africa. In 1939, at the outbreak of World War Two, he enlisted in the Natal Mounted Rifles, a regiment of the South African Army, and fought alongside the British Eighth Army in North Africa. He was badly wounded during the Battle of El Alamein and again in Italy, where his injuries put him on the critical list. The experience of war evoked in him doubts about traditional religious belief and led him to investigate the hidden facets of Man’s true nature as pondered by philosophers throughout the ages.

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