For a group of insane madmen, money and wealth is not enough, but is needed an epileptiform glory, at the cost of their whims. The great peacemaker from hell Nimrodis Filisteus Primerus is not alone, because he has a partnership with a religious leader who joins such race in universal campaign using his demagoguery and schizophrenic tattletales. He meets Nimrodis at the coronation of Pope Benedictine Postremo I; and from some relevant evening to the night time of history, he becomes known as the False Prophet from the Book of Revelation.
-Prologue.-Chapter I: The Encounter of Flavio and Mariana.
-Chapter II: The Holy Child Toujours Ponctuel.
-Chapter III: The Birth of Nimrodina.
-Chapter IV: The Great World Leader.-Chapter V: I am Nimrodis Filisteus Primerus.
-Chapter VI: The Beast and the False Prophet.
-About the Author.
TAGS: Vatican, New World Order, Antichrist, False Prophet, United Nations, European Union, Mediterranean Union, Apollyon, Jerusalem, Two Witnesses, Temple Mount, New York, CIA, OTAN, Petrus Romanus, Rome, Jesuits, The Dry Elm of Nostradamus, Hitler, France, Paris, Italy, Israel, Spain, Greece, Syria, Apocalypse, Christ, Third World War, The Invasion of Gog and Magog, Russia, Vadim Putinov, China, India, New Roman Empire, Beast, Mark, Plagues, UFOs, History.
About the Author:
Alejandro Roque: Author, Translator and Publisher, was born in Havana, Cuba; and since 1994 he left for political exile in the United States, where he eventually became naturalized; and in later years has been devoted to his writings and books, including his love of nature and outdoor activities. An early ex-military jet pilot; here he graduated with a Master of Science (MS) at Nova Southeastern University (NSU), and with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) at Florida Atlantic University (FAU); both in U.S.A.
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