The book is an enhanced, English version of the Italian monograph Epistemologia dell’Educazione: Pensiero Critico, Etica ed Epistemic Injustice.
Alessia Marabini is a high school professor in Italy and a member of Centre for Knowledge and Society (CEKAS) at the University of Aberdeen. She graduated with a BA (Laurea) in Philosophy of Language and a PhD in Mind, Language and Logic at the University of Bologna. Her areas of research are epistemology and philosophy of education. In epistemology of education, she has contributed to the debate with articles published in the Journal of Philosophy of Education. She has also given talks at the Universities of Seattle, Chicago, Calgary, Oxford, MGU Moscow, Venezia, APA in Boston and UCL Institute of Education. She has published various monographs, in Italian including La Concezione Epistemica dell’Analiticità: un Dibattito in Corso (The Conception of Epistemic Analyticity: An Ongoing Debate) 2013 (Aracne: Rome), and Epistemologia dell’Educazione: Pensiero Critico, Etica ed Epistemic Injustice (Epistemology of Education: Critical Thinking, Ethics and Epistemic Injustice) 2020 (Aracne: Rome).