Chapter 1: What is DBMS (Database Management System)? Application, Types & Example
What is a Database?
What is DBMS?
Example of a DBMS
History of DBMS
Characteristics of Database Management System
DBMS vs. Flat File
Users in a DBMS environment
Popular DBMS Software
Application of DBMS
Types of DBMS
Advantages of DBMS
Disadvantage of DBMS
When not to use a DBMS system?
Chapter 2: Database Architecture in DBMS: 1-Tier, 2-Tier and 3-Tier
What is Database Architecture?
Types of DBMS Architecture
1-Tier Architecture
2-Tier Architecture
3-Tier Architecture
Chapter 3: DBMS Schemas: Internal, Conceptual, External
Internal Level/Schema
Conceptual Schema/Level
External Schema/Level
Goal of 3 level/schema of Database
Advantages Database Schema
Disadvantages Database Schema
Chapter 4: Relational Data Model in DBMS: Concepts, Constraints, Example
What is Relational Model?
Relational Model Concepts
Relational Integrity Constraints
Operations in Relational Model
Best Practices for creating a Relational Model
Advantages of using Relational Model
Disadvantages of using Relational Model
Chapter 5: ER Diagram: Entity Relationship Diagram Model | DBMS Example
What is ER Diagram?
What is ER Model?
History of ER models
Why use ER Diagrams?
Facts about ER Diagram Model
ER Diagrams Symbols & Notations
Components of the ER Diagram
Weak Entities
How to Create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
Best Practices for Developing Effective ER Diagrams
Chapter 6: Relational Algebra in DBMS: Operations with Examples
Relational Algebra
Basic SQL Relational Algebra Operations
Rename (ρ)
Union operation (υ)
Set Difference (-)
Cartesian product(X)
Join Operations
Inner Join:
Theta Join:
EQUI join:
Left Outer Join(A B)
Right Outer Join: ( AB )
Full Outer Join: ( AB)
Chapter 7: DBMS Transaction Management: What are ACID Properties?
What is a Database Transaction?
Facts about Database Transactions
Why do you need concurrency in Transactions?
States of Transactions
What are ACID Properties?
Types of Transactions
What is a Schedule?
Chapter 8: DBMS Concurrency Control: Timestamp & Lock-Based Protocols
What is Concurrency Control?
Potential problems of Concurrency
Why use Concurrency method?
Concurrency Control Protocols
Lock-based Protocols
Two Phase Locking Protocol
Timestamp-based Protocols
Validation Based Protocol
Characteristics of Good Concurrency Protocol
Chapter 9: DBMS Keys: Candidate, Super, Primary, Foreign Key Types with Example
What are Keys in DBMS?
Why we need a Key?
Types of Keys in DBMS (Database Management System)
What is the Super key?
What is a Primary Key?
What is the Alternate key?
What is a Candidate Key?
What is the Foreign key?
What is the Compound key?
What is the Composite key?
What is a Surrogate key?
Difference Between Primary key & Foreign key
Chapter 10: Functional Dependency in DBMS: What is, Types and Examples
What is Functional Dependency?
Key terms
Rules of Functional Dependencies
Types of Functional Dependencies in DBMS
What is Normalization?
Advantages of Functional Dependency
Chapter 11: Data Independence in DBMS: Physical & Logical with Examples
What is Data Independence of DBMS?
Types of Data Independence
Levels of Database
Physical Data Independence
Logical Data Independence
Difference between Physical and Logical Data Independence
Importance of Data Independence
Chapter 12: Hashing in DBMS: Static & Dynamic with Examples
What is Hashing in DBMS?
Why do we need Hashing?
Important Terminologies using in Hashing
Static Hashing
Dynamic Hashing
Comparison of Ordered Indexing and Hashing
What is Collision?
How to deal with Hashing Collision?
Chapter 13: SQL Commands: DML, DDL, DCL, TCL, DQL with Query Example
What is SQL?
Why Use SQL?
Brief History of SQL
Types of SQL
What is DDL?
What is Data Manipulation Language?
What is DCL?
What is TCL?
What is DQL?
Chapter 14: DBMS Joins: Inner, Left Outer, THETA Types of Join Operations
What is Join in DBMS?
Inner Join
Theta Join
EQUI join:
Natural Join (⋈)
Outer Join
Left Outer Join (A B)
Right Outer Join (AB)
Full Outer Join (AB)
Chapter 15: Indexing in DBMS: What is, Types of Indexes with EXAMPLES
What is Indexing?
Types of Indexing
Primary Index
Secondary Index
Clustering Index
What is Multilevel Index?
B-Tree Index
Advantages of Indexing
Disadvantages of Indexing
Chapter 16: DBMS vs RDBMS: Difference between DBMS and RDBMS
What is DBMS?
What is RDBMS?
Difference between DBMS vs RDBMS
Chapter 17: File System vs DBMS: Key Differences
What is a File system?
What is DBMS?
Features of a File system
Features of DBMS
Difference between filesystem vs. DBMS
Advantages of File system
Advantages of DBMS system
Application of File system
Application of the DBMS system
Disadvantages of File system
Disadvantages of the DBMS system
Chapter 18: SQL vs NoSQL: What’s the Difference Between SQL and NoSQL
What is SQL?
What is NoSQL?
Difference between SQL and NoSQL
When use SQL?
When use NoSQL?
Chapter 19: Clustered vs Non-clustered Index: Key Differences with Example
What is an Index?
What is a Clustered index?
What is Non-clustered index?
Characteristic of Clustered Index
Characteristics of Non-clustered Indexes
An example of a clustered index
An example of a non-clustered index
Differences between Clustered Index and NonClustered Index
Advantages of Clustered Index
Advantages of Non-clustered index
Disadvantages of Clustered Index
Disadvantages of Non-clustered index
Chapter 20: Primary Key vs Foreign Key: What’s the Difference?
What are Keys?
What is Database Relationship?
What is Primary Key?
What is Foreign Key?
Why use Primary Key?
Why use Foreign Key?
Example of Primary Key
Example of Foreign Key
Difference between Primary key and Foreign key
Chapter 21: Primary Key vs Unique Key: What’s the Difference?
What is Primary Key?
What is Unique Key?
Why use Primary Key?
Why use Unique Key?
Features of Primary Key
Features of Unique key
Example of Creating Primary Key
Example of Creating Unique Key
Difference between Primary key and Unique key
What is better?
Chapter 22: Row vs Column: What’s the Difference?
What is Row?
What is Column?
Row Examples:
Column Examples:
When to Use Row-Oriented Storage
When to use Column-oriented storage
Difference between Row and Columns
Chapter 23: Row vs Column: What’s the Difference?
What is DDL?
What is DML?
Why DDL?
Why DML?
Difference Between DDL and DML in DBMS
Commands for DDL
Commands for DML
DDL Command Example
DML Command Example