In this third installment of The Rewired Series, the reset has arrived. Malik’s dreams are as vivid as ever. One, in particular, feels strangely real, as though there’s a past he only vaguely remembers. Malik awakens to a world threatened by intense solar flares, and he is one of the few who sees the whole picture.
After the effects hit too close to home, Malik’s family takes a trip to see his grandma in search of insight and an escape. The answers she holds will lead him down a path he could never have imagined.
Now a father of two, Malik is even more compelled to forge a better tomorrow. He meets Ori’s team—or has he met them before?—and they offer him the chance to help humanity survive this trial. On the promise of a solution to the solar flares, he embarks on a journey to achieve his higher self.
Can Malik unlock his full potential and protect the future?
After spending over a decade in business consulting and sales, Alexander took a leap of faith to become an author. Though he has major excel prowess, his imagination is where he prefers to hang out, turning the stories in his head into books that he can share with the rest of the world. Alexander lives in Decatur, Georgia, with his loving wife and two young sons. When he's not writing, reading books on genuinely geeky topics, or pretending to be a superhero, he is out walking on one of the nature trails near his home. Visit and join his mailing list to be one of the first to know about promotions and new releases.