If you're fulfilling work and family obligations with little or no help, you know it's a constant battle to keep your home in order. Often, it's all or nothing - you're catching up on one front but losing on another.
Comparing historic house and modern hotel operations, ex-Project Manager Alexandria Blaelock reveals how:
What goes on in your head impacts what goes on in your home.Focussing on what's right for your family streamlines your to-do list.Standardising saves you time and effort.Planning and scheduling makes it all happen.Not to feel guilty about seeking help.Minimally Viable Housekeeping is Blaelock's fourth book applying business techniques to personal concerns. Using these productivity techniques to manage your home will free up the time and energy you need to live a life worth living.
Buy the book and discover how to get the right stuff done with the minimum of effort.
Writer, philosopher and dog magnet Alexandria Blaelock advises embracing things that matter, like beauty, friendship and wisdom.
Drawing on a career in project and event management, she's written four personal development books describing how to apply business techniques to personal matters, so you can live a life worth living.
She lives in Melbourne (Australia) with her husband and two Labradors where she is pursuing a little Famous Five adventure. While she likes ginger beer and ham rolls, you're more likely to find her drinking red wine with antipasto.
Discover more at https://www.