Prof. Dr. Alexis Papathanassis studied at the University of Bath and the London School of Economics (UK). He completed his PhD in Economic Sciences at the Leibniz University (Hanover) in Germany. Prior to joining fulltime academia, Alexis pursued a career at TUI. Upon his departure from the group as a business development manager with TUI Infotec, Alexis had already participated and successfully led various systems integration projects in six TUI subsidiaries around Europe. Since 2005, Alexis Papathanassis is a Professor for Cruise Management and e-Tourism at the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences. He currently acts as: Dean of the Faculty of Business Management & Services, Co-Director of the Institute for Maritime Tourism and Chairman of the Cruise Research Society. He is also visiting Professor at the Bremen University of Applied Sciences and the Russian Academy of Foreign Trade, and a member of the German Tourism Research Society. He also works regularly as a consultant for a number of tour operators and cruise companies. Alexis’ publication activity mainly focuses on the cruise sector and comprises over 60 contributions in textbooks, peer-reviewed scientific journals and conferences