Of course, books are fine and all, but there's no use wasting half an afternoon Googling pages. You will then have just spent about a hundred hours reading a quarter of a book, and it seems like there has to be a better way.
• What are the major concepts that most philosophers agree on?
• What is this in and of itself actually about?
• What are the general historical concerns that have influenced Hume?
• How do you argue a good position against a critic of your work?
• How do you show the strengths and weaknesses of your thinking?
• Any obvious, but in theory unexplored topics?
• How do you find out who Hume is and why you should care?
• How do you bring him up in conversations?
Hopefully, all the game of concepts we've been learning will shape our worldviews and help us make sound, rational decisions.
Anything else, remember, there are about fifty gods and two that are useful. For other things that may be confusing, consult philosophy.
Multiple genres author Alfonso Borello has written drama, thrillers, travel diaries, biographies and essays on history, religion, philosophy, psychology, evolution, cosmos, revolutionaries, inventors, and numerous books in foreign languages and on language learning in Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Cebuano and Thai. Other works include children books, illustrated series, graphic novels, and the Italian Reader application.